Ethereum: here’s what you need to know about the cryptocurrency

After Bitcoin, Ether is the second cryptocurrency with the largest market capitalization. Although Bitcoin is the undisputed number one, Ether or Ethereum is becoming increasingly popular. What is Ethereum?Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain-based network. It is a computer network to which users from all over the world are connected. Programmers from all over the world […]

Plans to ban bitcoin in the EU parliament are off the table for the time being

In the final draft of the guidelines for the provision of cryptocurrency services (MiCA), a passage that would have meant a “way out” for bitcoin in Europe is no longer on the table. The report was delivered on Monday to the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) by rapporteur Stefan Berger (CDU). The ECON […]

NFT gaming company receives $200 million and becomes $2.5 billion unicorn

Startup Immutable X, a scalability solution for NFTs and Ethereum gaming, is the latest unicorn after a recent capital raiseBy Decrypt 07 Mar, 2022 18:04 On Monday (7), Immutable, the Australian startup that has developed a second-layer Ethereum scaling solution for games and non-fungible tokens (or NFTs), announced that it has raised $200 million in […]


CryptoMines is an NFT game to invest with very high risk, and very high profits (at your own risk). It is one of the best NFT games (actually it has almost no game, but it is in the BlockChain branch).One of the advantages of this game, is that it uses an oracle that is pending […]

What is an NFT and how does it work?

In recent months the term NFT has become increasingly ubiquitous, becoming commonplace in economic, legal and artistic contexts. News such as the sale of the artist Beeple’s The first 5000 days artwork, in NFT format, for 58 million euros through Christie’s auction house has brought this technology to headlines around the world. However, despite the […]

What is cryptocurrency trading?

What is cryptocurrency trading?Cryptocurrency trading means taking a financial position in the direction of the price of a cryptocurrency against the dollar (in cryptocurrency/dollar pairs) or against another crypto, through crypto-to-crypto pairs. CFDs (contracts for difference) are a popular way to trade cryptocurrencies, as they allow for greater flexibility, the use of leverage and the […]

Crypto Wallets

Protect what you have. There are many cases where people have lost their cryptocurrencies because they did not insure them sufficiently; as you may know, cryptocurrencies are not even registered under the law of any country. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing a wallet for your digital currency. Wallet LedgerAre you a cryptocurrency […]

What are cryptocurrencies?

What are cryptocurrencies? A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that uses cryptographic encryption to guarantee its ownership and ensure the integrity of transactions, and control the creation of additional units, i.e. prevent someone from making copies as we would do, for example, with a photo. These coins do not exist in physical form: they are […]